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Meet Greg

I am running to be the Republican Candidate for Hancock County Commissioner District 1. I am the current Representative for McCordsville Town Council of District 2 and Current Town Council President. I am married to my lovely wife Megan Brewer for 20 years and have two children in MVSC Schools, Zach(17) and Jackie (12). I am Financial Advisor by profession that owns my own Broker Dealer and Registered Investment Advisory firm. I also volunteer as a Varsity Offensive Line Coach for the Mt. Vernon HS Football Team and 2-time State Champion Football Coach. I also serve as the Boys and Girls Throwing Coach for the Mt. Vernon HS Track team. I was born and raised in Hancock County, graduating from Greenfield-Central High School in 1992 and I am a graduate of Indiana University in 1996 with a B.S. in Public Affairs from the School of Public and Environmental Affairs. We  have been McCordsville residents since July of 2018. McCordsville attracted us because it is a growing but quiet, family oriented community with a great school system and a police department that is of the highest quality. I currently serve as a Board Member for the Hancock County Child Advocacy Center (Zoey’s Place) and as a Board Member on the Vernon Township Fire Territory Board.



Constituent Focused

Public Servant

 I pride myself on listening to the wants, needs, concerns, priorities and opposition that my constituents bring to my attention. I listen and I act. I get things done to improve peoples lives not work to get things done for developers. My constituents come first. They hired me, they are my boss and I work for them. This is their government and I work for the residents of Hancock County and not for interests outside of our county. I am the candidate that listens and votes accordingly.

Fiscally Conservative 

I have a strong financial background and understand how money works. As Town Council President I have experience of budgeting for a growing community, allocating money to priority needs and the importance and impact debt financing has on the community. I have worked on developing systems and procedures that make the day to day process more efficient and productive for our town staff. We have utilized industry professionals that provide current data for better decision making. With all of the growth and increased investment in town infrastructure our tax rate has been maintained not increased.

Government Efficient


Being apart of the 2nd fastest growing community in Indiana, I have worked with both private/public (McCord Square/Town Center Project) and public/public (McCordsville Fire Station with Vern Township) projects to structure smart and conservative financing strategies to move projects forward with little to no increased financial impact to the taxpayer.

Committed to excellence


Public Safety

As a member of the McCordsville Town Council, in the past 3 years we have increased our police officer pay scale to a competitive wage to be in line with other local departments. We secured a Build Operate Transfer financing to build an 18,000 square foot new McCordsville Police Headquarters (completion Sept 2024). The past 4 years I have served on the Vernon Township Fire Territory Board. We went from a 100% Volunteer Department to forming a fire territory that now employs 18 full time fire fighters/EMT's, 24/7 Coverage, 2 New Engines and Ambulances. We also just opened in August 2023 a brand new fire station in McCordsville using BOT financing.


TIF's and Abatements

I support abatements as the state legislature intended for them to be used, as an incentive to lure jobs from known entities from other states. I do not support abatements just to help businesses improve their bottom line or to have rental rates to keep them competitive with their competition. TIF districts need to be structured so that financing meets the need, they do stay indefinitely and portion of the assessed growth gets passed on to public safety and school districts.


Strategic and Systematic Growth

I believe growth is a good thing for communities, as long as these projects are fully vetted both through studies and public input. I do not support, nor will I sign, a Non-Disclosure Agreements if elected. Development Projects should be discussed in open public meetings as earlier on in the development process as possible. As public officials we have a duty to initiate and stimulate the public discourse on development that can impact, either positively or negatively, on our residents. Timely updates and recharacterization of the Comprehensive Plan and Zoning Regulations need to be evaluated to insure they are up to date with the changing times, land use and community standards. Smart due diligence and vetting procedures will help to ensure that only the best develop projects that will have a desired use and positive community impact are developed instead of just what the potential assessed valued and tax impact it will have on the community. Constituents before dollars.


Mental Health and Substance Abuse Treatment

Our criminal justice system is inundated with crime that is associated with Mental Health and Substance Abuse. The county needs to work with our Prosecutors Office and Probation Department to research and invest in more ways to get these people the help they need. By providing treatment services versus incarceration, hopefully we can lower the recidivism to our already crowded jail. Our jail should not be a detox/rehab facility but a place for the most violent and dangerous criminals.


 Road and Infrastructure Improvements

With all of the continued County Approved warehouse construction and semi-truck use, a comprehensive road project plan must be consistently updated. Alternative routes need to be discussed to help separate passenger vehicles from semi's the best we can.

in Touch

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